Conference Papers
- L. Fraiture, N. Wiengarn and B. Chambaz, Irregularities in the motion of spin-stabilized satellites, Proc. of the first Int. Symp. of spacecraft flight dynamics in Darmstadt (FRG) in May 1981, ESA SP 160, pp. 87-104, Aug. 1981.
- A.G. Bird, L. Fraiture, J.C. Van der Ha and P. Kohler, The dynamic attitude reconstitution method, Proc. of the first Int. Symp. of spacecraft flight dynamics in May 1981, ESA SP 160, pp.353-368, Aug. 1981.
- R. Baldasini-Fontana, D. Sciacovelli and L. Fraiture, IR radiance model validation by sensor flightmeasurements, Proc. of the first Int. Symp. of spacecraft flight dynamics in May 1981, ESA SP 160, pp. 461-478, Aug. 1981.
- L. Fraiture, A semi-linear estimation method, Proc. of the 6-th IFAC symp. on Identification and Parameter estimation in Arlington in june 1982, Vol. 1 pp. 311-316.
- L. Fraiture, Non-linear single parameter estimation, Proc. of AMSE conference “modelling and simulation”, in Monastir (Tunesia) in Nov. 1985, Vol 1B, pp. 6-20.
- W. Meyer, L. Fraiture and N. Wiengarn, Coverage transition times of IR pencil beam sensors, Proc. of the symp. on space dynamics for geostationary satellites in Toulouse (F), Oct. 1985, pp. 207-218 (CEPADUES Editions Toulouse, April 1986).
- L. Fraiture, Attitude reconstitution filters: yes or no?, Proc. of the second Int. Symp. of spacecraft flight dynamics in Darmstadt (FRG) in Oct. 1986, ESA SP 255, pp.403-414.
- L. Fraiture, Non-linear constraints in estimation, AMSE conference “modelling and simulation”, Istanbul, June 1988.
- L. Fraiture, A calibration algorithm for in-flight application to slews on spinning satellites, Proc. Space Dynamics Symposium, Toulouse (F), Nov. 1989 pp.479-499. (CEPADUES Editions Toulouse, May 1990).
- L. Fraiture, The non-linearity bias in estimation, Proc. of the IASTED int. symp. “Modelling, Simulation and Optimization”, Montreal, May 1990, pp. 10-15.
- L. Fraiture, Covariance transformations and global errors for orbit and attitude, Proc.of the third Int. symp on Spacecraft Flight Dynamics, Darmstadt (FRG) Sept/Oct 1991, ESA SP-326, pp. 113-124.
- L. Fraiture, Optimal three axis attitude determination, Proc. of the int. symp. on space Flight Dynamics, St-Petersburg-Moscow, May 1994, chapter Attitude Determination, pp.36-48.
- L. Fraiture, Re-use of attitude software, Proc. of the 12th Int. symp. on space Flight Dynamics, Darmstadt (FRG), June 1997, ESA SP-403, pp.139-151.
- L. Fraiture, Spherical trigonometry for GPS ambiguity resolution, presented at the 10-th Brazilian Orbital Dynamics Colloquium, Nazar´e Paulista, Nov. 2000, and issued in ‚Advances in Space Dynamics 3, Applications in Astronautics‘, INPE, Brasil, pp 132-144, 2002.
- L. Fraiture, A survey of attitude estimation with GPS-like measurements, Proc. of the Malcolm Shuster Astronautics Symposium, Grand Island (NY/US), June 2005, AAS 05-478, Advances in Astronautical Sciences Vol. 122, pp 481-501, 2006.
- L. Fraiture, The history of the description of the three dimensional finite rotation,AAS 08-308, AAS Landis Markley symposium, June/July 2008.
- L. Fraiture, Regularization of minimum parameter attitude estimation, AAS 08-265, AAS Landis Markley symposium, June/July 2008.